Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Selective Coloring

This image was taken on a Baptismal Event. Converted and retain only the yellor shirt color to make it standout. used a flash facing upward to bounce the light from the ceiling to create this natural light. Nikon lens 50mm 1/25sec F5.6 ISO400.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bounce Light Beauty

This shot is taken using an on camera speedlight. But i face the flash on the ceiling just above her head which is really a good height. The light bounces the ceiling creating this natural looking light and just the right soft shadows. Nikon lens at 70mm F8 1/25second ISO400.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Selective coloring

Just a simple family portrait shot. This would look ordinary if not the selective coloring done which makes alot of difference. Taken with Flash as fill Nikon lens 1/35 F5.6 ISO 400.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Binded by Light

This is a shot made on a Baptismal ceremony i covered a few days back. The priest would ask the God Parents to hold just one candle as part of the ceremony. Post process in CS4 using the brush, mask and burn tool to create the lighting effect. Nikon lens 70mm F5.6 ISO400.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"Highlighting the subject"

I was looking around my image collection and stumble with this one. I edited this one on CS4 to make these flowers pop and separate from the rest of the image. use a layer mask and the brush tool which i love to use. and also the dodge tool. This is a macro shot. Used a macro extension tubes at 200mm F5.6  ISO200.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

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"The Moon Across our Universe"

Ive been trying and wanting to capture the Moon lately and its really tough. Got this one using a monopod. Post process in CS4 Nikon lens 300mm F180second ISO400.

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Friday, October 23, 2009

"A classic look"

I love the mood of this shot. seems to me im watching a horror film or something like the movie headless swordsman. Scarry feel but looks good. Specs 70mm F5.6 ISO400 Nikon lens.

"Fire in the sky"

A firey look of the sky. Shot this one on my way home back from field work. Stop over above the bridge in pampanga and love the mood of the sky. 28mm F8 1/45second ISO400 Nikon Lens.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

"One moody saturday night"

This is taken one saturday night just relaxing with the guys. Tried to play with the off camera flash. Place under the table to create the light explosion effect to create this mood. 50mm f5.6 1/60second ISO400 nikon lens.

Candle Light

Just a candle place on the table and shot in close. Staring at it for a few minutes wondering and what angle looks good. atleast this one i think took me 20 shot to select this one. 35mm F8 1/30second ISO200 Nikon lens.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Brush and Burn

I was practicing this technic i learn from a pro using the brush tool and burn tool to create this image which is an original colored version. Just juicing up some creativity...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dramatic Face Light

Another off camera flash shot. the off camera is hidden behind the pitcher to create this dramatic light on the face and the whole image. camera specs 100mm F5.6 1/30s ISO400 Nikon lens.

Double A's

This is a picture taken on a window light only. Post processing done in CS4 to create the spotlight effect and color enhancement. 70mm f5.6 nikon lens ISO400.

The Runaway Bride

it is a custom on phillippine wedding to throw rice grains on the wedding couple after the ceremony. This couple went on a different direction after they've been thrown. it looks funny and became hilarious! (",). no flash used just the natural daylight shot at 28mm F5.6 1/900second Nikon lens.

Farm Land on the hiway!

This is a picture taken on my way to Olongapo City phil. im on an expressway and have to stop for a minute to get this shot and avoid hiway patrols thinking my car brokedown (",). 28mm F5.6 ISO200 Nikon Lens.

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Monday, October 19, 2009

Love for the Children

We were on a two day vacation when i took this shot. The sky is kind a gloomy and my shutter speed is not too fast to capture without blurring and i dont want to raise my ISO. so i used my built in flash set to 1/16 power just to freezed the motion and still made the flash light to blend in with the natural light. Nikon lens at 50mm F5.6 1/30s ISO400

"Mr nice guy"

White shadow

This is originally a colored photo which i edited in CS4 using the brush tool. converted to B/W. crop it to focus more on the subject. if i remember this is at 105mm F5.6 1/400 ISO200 nikon lens.

Another off camera flash shot

Just another picture of my sister. i love playing with off camera flash thanks to the pros i read and follow their books and tutorials. nikon 50mm F5.6 1/30 ISO200.

Before the pageant night

This picture taken before my sister went to judge for a beauty pageant. Use off camera flash place on the right side up high. The yellow light cast is from a incandescent light. nikon lens 50mm F5.6 1/30 ISO200.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Simple Wedding

This is a picture of my friends very simple wedding. Just shoot them as a gift. nikon 28mm F8 1/25 with flash. ISO400.

Night at the park

We went out to this place in Global City, took this shot while the people are waiting for the taxi. shot using a tripod at 35mm f5.6 ISO200 nikon lens

City Nights

I was sitting on a side walk killing time. Shot this one handheld. 28mm F5.6 1/10second ISO200.

Fog in the mountains

This a shot i took last september '09, its raining all day and not much scenery to shoot because of the fog. Then the opportunity came, the fog was cleared abit to make this shot. shot at 28mm at f8 ISO200 Nikon lens.

Mt. Arayat

Im on my way to visit a client on this one. Stop by the hiway just to take the shot for a minute. Used a CPL then process abit in CS4. 28mm F5.6 ISO200 Nikon lens.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Light at its best

Another one of my collection using off camera flash place on the left side. I love using off cam flash cause it creates truly beautiful light like natural light direction. 70mm F5.6 1/25second Nikon Lens.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Another bounce lighting

This my brother in law. is shot this using an on camera flash then face the flash head on the left to bounce the light from the wall.

Group Shot

This my family i shot using an off camera flash. place on the right side. 35mm F5.6 1/25second nikon lens.

Side Light Portrait

This is my sister and her husband. Shot using an off camera flash place on the left. i usually use a lower shutter speed to catcth ore of the ambient light to make it look natural light from the surroundings. 70mm F5.6 1/25second ISO200 nikon lens.

Chapel Shot

This a shot of my family after the wedding of my cousin. used an off camera flash and use the built in flash for fill. off camera place on the right side.

Window light

This is a picture of my sister taken from a window light only. Tweak abit in photoshop to soften and fine tuning.

Playing with fire

This picture i took using a tripod with the fire is the only source of light. Got lucky the green smoke made an additional effect to the whole image.

Another directional lighting

This is my father and my niece sleeping on him. Used an off camera flash place on the left to create this dramatic lighting.

Directional Light

This picture i took with my family members. We were in a cemetery visiting our late mother. using an off camera flash place on the left side to create this spotlight. Nikon lens at 28mm F8 1/20

Bounce the light

This picture i took of my niece. use an on camera flash then bounce the light on the right to create this directional light. Nikon lens 70mm F5.6 1/20